On October 17, the exhibition "In Front of the Screen" was opened at the Stanislav Dospevski Art Gallery in Pazardzhik, consisted of works by 21 authors from North Macedonia and Bulgaria.
The exhibition from the "Connection" project in 2024 was compiled by three curators - Ivo Pecov PhD, Gorancho Georgievski and Suzana Nikolova PhD. The authors of the exhibition were: Mariyana Ivanova, Zoran Mish, Mariyan Dzingarov, Peritsa Georgiev - Pepsi, Kolyo Mishev, Pavel Tselkoski, Ivo Pecov, Zhaneta Vangeli, Irena Paskali, Monika Moteska, Gjorge Jovanovic, Zeni Balazhi, Vana Uroshevich, Ivancho Talevski, Bogdan Alexandrov, Elizar Milev, Emil Bachijski, Ivo Bistrichki, Karina Popova, Svilen Stefanov and Slav Nedev.
Those present were first greeted by the director of the Art Gallery and Museum in Pazardzhik, Mr. Leon Babachev, sharing his experience in communicating with Macedonian artists, as well as that the gallery's collection already contains works by Macedonian artists. He extended a warm welcome to everyone.
Ivo Pecov's address contained information about the project and the way the exhibition was completed, and among other things he pointed out:
"After initiating the project on my part and sharing the idea with my colleagues, the current curators: Gorancho Georgievski, a curator with serious experience in Macedonia and Assoc. Prof. Suzana Nikolova PhD, a prominent specialist in the field of contemporary Bulgarian art, we worked on creating an exhibition that would include significant names of artists from both countries, as well as works that would arouse interest and reflection.
From the total composition of the authors, we can note that all the presented authors have difrend awards, with rich creative biographies, with great artistic activity. One half of the authors are professors at art academies in Bulgaria, North Macedonia, USA and Kosovo. I dare to say that their work is largely representative of the best qualities in contemporary fine art in both countries. From here, I believe that our exhibition presents some of the current high achievements in the field.”
Ivo Pecov PhD expressed special gratitude to the director of the Gallery, for his willingness to cooperate, as well as to the entire cohesive team of this institution. He also thanked the Ministry of Culture and the Embassy of North Macedonia in Bulgaria.
The exhibition was officially declared open by Ms. Peika Trayanovska, Counselor at the Embassy of North Macedonia in Bulgaria.
The event was attended by the Deputy Mayors of Pazardzhik Municipality – Ms. Tanya Kolchakova-Yaneva and Mr. Nino Nenov, as well as representatives of the cultural life in the city and art lovers.
The exhibition in Pazardzhik was open until December 10, 2024